Les CFD sont des instruments complexes et présentent un risque élevé de perte rapide en capital en raison de l’effet de levier. 72% de comptes d’investisseurs non-professionnels perdent de l’argent lors de la négociation de CFD avec ce fournisseur. Vous devez vous assurer que vous comprenez comment les CFD fonctionnent et que vous pouvez vous permettre de prendre le risque probable de perdre votre argent.
Attention à l'usurpation d'identité et à la fraude : CMC Markets Germany GmbH a récemment été la cible de tiers inconnus se faisant passer illégalement pour des employés de CMC et essayant d'inciter des citoyens français à investir. Dans votre propre intérêt, nous vous recommandons de faire attention aux personnes qui vous contactent. Cliquez ici pour plus d’information.

Trade With Precision webinars

Run by the experts at tradewithprecision.com, these regular webinars provide insights on trading fundamentals and strategies, using the Next Generation platform. Register for the webinars below to learn how to use technical analysis and leading indicators to find opportunities and possible trade entry and exit points.

Testez votre stratégie de trading CFD

Grâce à notre plateforme Next Generation ou MetaTrader4, vous pouvez tester votre stratégie de trading CFD avec un capital de départ virtuel et sans engagement.

CMC Markets - Handelsplattform

Trading for a busy lifestyle

Most traders experience the continuous juggling act between trading and non-trading commitments, as they try to find the optimal balance between work, family, health and leisure time, in addition to focused trading time. This webinar focuses on helping you find that balance.

This webinar covers:

  • Four personal variables to consider before commencing trading
  • Markets potentially best suited to busy lifestyles
  • Choosing the right market to suit you
  • How to treat trading as a business and avoid other commitments encroaching on your trading time

Register now

Global hot stocks

The global asset classes are an intricate system of finely interconnected markets, balanced by and affected by ever-changing fundamental forces. The global stock markets are a very important part of this intricate system and the ebb and flow of trillions of dollars of capital manifests itself as volatility, which creates opportunity for stock traders.

This live and interactive webinar covers:

  • How to use this market volatility to your advantage
  • Analysis of the stocks that are currently showing potential trading opportunities
  • How to analyse stock trends and identify the best trending stocks, on monthly down to daily charts
  • Any questions you may have

Register now

Taking technical analysis to the next level

Probability plays a large part in trading. To ensure probability is on your side, it's necessary to maintain your edge in the market by employing the most reliable, tried-and-tested technical analysis tools. This webinar aims to demonstrate how you can incorporate these technical analysis techniques into your trading. ​

This live Trade with Precision webinar will cover:

  • Understanding the difference between leading and lagging technical indicators
  • The power of Fibonacci
  • Indicator divergence and how to trade only the strongest trends.
  • Pivot points – the intraday trader's best-kept secret
  • How to see the big picture with multiple timeframe analysis

Register now

Le trading innovant dans votre main

Ouvrez et clôturez des trades sans effort, suivez vos trades et créez des alertes.

Live forex trading and market outlook

Join CMC Markets and Trade With Precision for a live technical forex market outlook, where we'll discuss recent trends and look at what's currently driving FX prices. We'll also take a closer look at potential trading opportunities, encompassing minor as well as major forex pairs.

The webinar will cover:

  • Forex trends for intraday traders
  • The strongest long-lasting trends for swing traders
  • Chart setups and how traders can potentially utilise these to trade on any timeframe
  • Key charting levels and patterns to be watching in the coming days and weeks
  • How to understand and manage your risk-and-reward on a trade
  • How to determine the lifespan of a forex trade based on the timeframe
  • Tips for using the Next Generation trading platform

Register now

Five reasons to trade the trend

There is a well-known saying in trading: “the trend is your friend”, and yet many traders don't have a strategy or the appropriate skills to take advantage of the trend. In fact, even before exploring these strategies it's worth asking whether the trend is truly your friend, and if so, how does it really help with your trading?

In this webinar Trade With Precision will:

  • Explore five reasons for trading a trend
  • Discuss key decision-making steps that every trader should take, either consciously or subconsciously
  • Explore the risks of trading trends

Register now

Trader development programme

The four-part trader development programme is run exclusively for active CMC Markets clients with live, funded accounts. It teaches valuable skills, strategies and principles, including crucial mindsets to adopt when trading.

Run by professional, independent traders from Trade With Precision, you will learn key technical analysis ingredients, how to use leading indicators and how to master price action to arrive at your own precise entries, stops and profit targets, for a complete trading strategy. This live webinar course is demonstrated on the Next Generation platform.

CMC Markets est un prestataire de service d'exécution uniquement. Ces informations (qu'elle contiennent ou non des opinions) présentent un caractère purement informatif et ne tient pas compte de votre situation ou de vos objectifs personnels. Aucune des informations contenues dans ce document n'est (ou ne doit être considérée comme) un conseil financier, d'investissement ou autre auquel se fier. Aucun avis donné dans les documents ne constitue une recommandation de CMC Markets ou de l'auteur selon laquelle un investissement, un titre, une transaction ou une stratégie d'investissement particulier convient à une personne spécifique. Le matériel n'a pas été préparé conformément aux exigences légales visant à promouvoir l'indépendance de la recherche sur les marchés d'investissement. Bien qu'il ne nous soit pas expressément interdit de traiter avant de fournir ce matériel, nous ne cherchons pas à en tirer profit avant sa diffusion.

Tradez les CFD avec CMC Markets en 3 étapes



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