If you want to trade or view our price data for certain instruments, you will need to activate the relevant market data subscription.
The period over which the market data subscription is active runs from the point of activation until midnight* on the first day of the following month. Subsequent periods will run from midnight on the first day of the month until midnight on the first day of the following month.
Once activated, the market data subscription will automatically be renewed at midnight on the first day of the month should you hold open positions or orders covered under the market data subscription. Should there be no open positions or orders covered under the market data subscription, you will be automatically unsubscribed. You may unsubscribe at any time if you have no positions or orders covered under the market data subscription.
Monthly subscription charges may apply depending on your market data classification and the type of account you hold; details of the charges can be found on the platform in the "Market Data" section under the "Settings" tab'. Subscriptions made mid-month are subject to the full monthly charge (if applicable).
If subscription charges apply, the market data subscription will only be activated if there are sufficient funds in your account to cover the market data subscription fees. The market data subscriptions and any subscription charges (if applicable) will automatically renew where you have positions or orders open, regardless of your available funds. Please ensure you have sufficient funds in your account to cover these fees.
For subscription plans not denominated in your account currency, the fee will be converted to your account currency at our prevailing currency conversion rate at the time of the subscription or renewal.
*Midnight is local to each exchange or group of exchanges.
Market data rebates
For professional clients only
As a private investor, if you execute two or more trades under the same market data subscription during a subscription period, the fee for that period will be refunded to your account. The refund will take place during the subsequent calendar month.
However, if you have been classified as a non-private investor, you will have to execute five or more trades under the same market data subscription in order to qualify for a refund. Non-private investors may be subject to higher market data fee charges.
Currency conversions
Any realised profit or loss will automatically be converted into your account currency at our prevailing currency conversion rate. Our currency conversion rate will be the mid-price of our foreign exchange cash product for the currency pair +/- 0.5%.