
The Live, Global Market Report: Trading Beyond the Virus

  • Thu 12 Mar 2020
  • 7.00pm (EST)
  • intermediate

COVID-19 has been a major fundamental news source for several months now. Its impact on the economies of global powerhouse countries is yet to be seen, however many market analysts are predicting doom and gloom. As the virus wreaks havoc on people’s health, how will it impact on their livelihood going forward?

Join us for this live and interactive report on some of the most liquid and volatile markets, where we:

•      Assess how the virus has the potential to impact the major economies, such as the US, UK, Euro zone and APAC;
•      Take a look at the current leading and lagging currencies;
•      Investigate the impact, if any, on the safe havens such as Gold, Silver and the Japanese Yen;
•      Assess the short, medium- and long-term trends seeking out potential trading opportunities that may be setting up.
•    Have your market related questions answered;
•    Learn more about the CMC Markets Next Generation trading platform.



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